среда, 30 декабря 2009 г.

Online Synonymizer

Online Synonymizer

Thus below is KolchakA online synonymizer. Today I`ll assemble a short depiction of How it workings.

1. KolchakA online synonymizer movement appropriately in Mozilla Firefox plus Opera internet browsers (Don`t exercise IE for skim through it!!!).
2. KolchakA online synonymizer workings only about ENGLISH language! Don`t attempt towards synonimize alternate texts popular alternate languages.
3. KolchakA online synonymizer dismiss slog away in handbook style. Therefore you`ll feel capable to select synonyms by way of yourself. Incite Handbook Synonymization control for catch it.
4. KolchakA online synonymizer can work in automatic mode. Thus the system chooses synonyms by itself (randomly). Push Auto Synonymization button to check it.
5. Use manual mode to accelerate the process of creating high quality readable texts and the automatic mode to create content for search engines automatically.